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I NTERFOREST, LLC CONSULTANTS DAVID R. PATTON is Professor Emeritus, Forest Wildlife Ecology at Northern Arizona University and previously was Dean, College of Ecosystem Science and Management. He was Principal Wildlife Biologist and Project Leader for the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station for wildlife and range research for 22 years and was the first wildlife biologist for National Forest System on the Santa Fe National Forest in New Mexico. He has been Director, School for the Field Studies’ Center for Wildlife Management Studies in Kenya and Acting Director Center for Rainforest Studies in Australia. He has a B.S.F. degree in forest management from West Virginia University, a M.S. in Wildlife Management from Virginia Tech., and a Ph.D. in Watershed Management from the University of Arizona. He is the author of one of the current wildlife management textbooks, “Wildlife Habitat Relationships in Forested Ecosystems.” He participated in the first and second Assessments of Indian Forest Management in 1992 and 2002. He has received awards locally for his teaching at Northern Arizona University, nationally for his wildlife research, and professionally by the State Chapter of The Wildlife Society. David is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and has authored and coauthored over 125 publications. He has extensive experience in Mexico, Kenya, Zambia and several other countries. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters and The Wildlife Society. Selected Publications: Patton, David R. 2003. Chifungwe: An African Adventure. A. Novel. Dorrance Press, Pittsburg, PA. Patton, D.R. 1996 Wildlife habitat relationships in forested ecosystems. Second Edition, Timber Press, Portland, OR. Patton, David R., et al. 1994. Assessment of American Indian deeded and trust forest lands. In Ecosystem Management in Western Interior Forests. Symposium Proceedings. USDA Forest Service and Washington State University. Spokane, WA. Patton, David R. 1993 Single species versus multi-species management. Perspective. J. For. 91(7) 60. Patton, David R. 1992. Bridging the gap, achieving effective resource integration. Symposium Proceedings. 10th National Conference, Native Amer. and Wildlife Society. Intertribal Timber Council. Portland, OR. Scott, V.E. and D.R. Patton. 1989. Cavity nesting birds of Arizona and New Mexico. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-166, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. Patton, David R. 1984. A model to evaluate Abert squirrel habitat in uneven-aged ponderosa pine. Wildlife Society Bull. 12:408-414.
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