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SEAN GORDON specializes in decision support systems for natural resource management, including computer applications as well as general frameworks for balancing technical analysis with other decision-making concerns, such as broad participation. Sean is currently a research assistant professor with the Institute for Sustainable Solutions at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. His current work includes developing landscape assessment and prioritization models for
and researching the the use of analytical processes and data in decision making for
In 2006, he completed a Ph.D. in Forest Resources at the Oregon State University College of Forestry. For his dissertation research he conducted a series of case studies on what factors influenced the success of analytical contributions (specifically decision support systems) to public and private sector decisions related to forest biodiversity management. Much of the work, including a directory of systems available, has been integrated into the Spatial Decision Support Knowledge Portal. The research was supported by the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry, the USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station, and the Northwest Forest Plan Interagency Monitoring Program . From 2006-2010, Sean was a post-doctoral researcher at the USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station in Portland, Oregon. Prior to his doctoral studies, Sean worked for 10 years in the natural resources information management field. At the non-profit Conservation International he managed development of an extranet for their Center for Applied Biodiversity Science as well as their Biodiversity Information Technology Partnership with UNESCO and the Intel Corporation. The Partnership provided computer technologies and training to biosphere reserve managers in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Before CI, he was an analyst in the Natural Resource Information Program at the World Resources Institute, where he compiled and edited the third edition of their World Directory of Country Environmental Studies and helped to integrate this work into their online Sustainable Development Information Service. Before WRI, he served as the database manager for the Environment and Natural Resources Information Center of the US Agency for International Development. Sean also holds a Master's degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology (Computer Science track) from Yale College. Publications & Presentations Gordon, S.; McPherson, H.; Dickson, L.; Halofsky, J.; Snyder, C.; Brodie, A.W. [Accepted] The use of EMDS for wildlife management. In: Reynolds, K.M.; Hessburg, P.F.; Jensen, M., eds. Making Transparent Environmental Decisions: Applications of the Ecosystem Management System. Springer. Gordon, S.N.; Reynolds, K.M. [In press] The design and use of forest decision support systems in the USA. In: Borges, J., Trasobares, A., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Hujala, T. and Nordström, E-M (Eds.). Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide. Springer Verlag (expected 2012). Lanigan, Steven H.; Gordon, Sean N.; Eldred, Peter; Isley, Mark; Wilcox,
Steve; Moyer, Chris; Andersen, Heidi. 2012. Northwest Forest Plan - the
first 15 years (1994-2008): status and trend of watershed condition. Gen.
Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-856. Portland, OR:U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Gordon, S.N.; Gallo, K. 2011. Structuring expert input for a knowledge-based approach to watershed condition assessment for the Northwest Forest Plan, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 172(1): 643-661 Johnson, K.N.; Gordon, S.; Duncan, S.; Lach, D.; McComb, B.; Reynolds, K. 2007. Conserving creatures of the forest: A guide to decision making and decision models for forest biodiversity. Corvallis, OR : Oregon State University, College of Forestry. 88 pp. [pdf] Gordon, S.N. 2006. Decision support systems for forest biodiversity management: A review of tools and an analytical-deliberative framework for understanding their successful application. Ph.D. dissertation. Oregon State University : Corvallis, OR. [pdf website] Gordon, S.N.; Gallo, K. 2005. Decision Support Models Part I: How They Work for Assessing Watershed Condition. Presentation at the Science and the Northwest Forest Plan conference, Portland OR, April 19-20 2005. [pdf 1.7 mb | conference website] Gallo, K.; Lanigan, S.H.; Eldred, P.; Gordon, S.N.; Moyer, C. 2005. Northwest Forest Plan-the first 10 years (1994-2003): preliminary assessment of the condition of watersheds. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-647. Portland, OR : USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. [pdf website] Gordon, S.N.; Johnson, K.N.; Reynolds, K.M.; Crist, P. and Brown, N. 2005. Decision support systems for forest biodiversity: A review (extended abstract). Systems Analysis in Forest Resources: Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium, Stevenson, WA. Proceedings PNW-GTR- 656. Portland, OR : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. [MS Word | conference website] Gordon, S.N.; Johnson, K.N.; Reynolds, K.M.; Crist, P. and Brown, N. 2004. Decision support systems for forest biodiversity: Evaluation of current systems and future needs. Project A10 Final Report. Washington, DC : National Commission on Science and Sustainable Forestry. [report] Reynolds, K.; Johnson, K.N.; Gordon, S.N. 2003. The science/policy interface in logic-based evaluation of forest ecosystem sustainability. Forest Policy and Economics 5(4) : 433-446. [abstract] Gordon, Sean N. 2000. Connecting Biosphere Reserves: Lessons in International Electronic Networking and Collaboration from the Biodiversity Information Technology Project. Presentation to the UNESCO World Heritage Network CONNECT Meeting, April 17-20, 2000. [MS Word | Powerpoint HTML] Gordon, S. 1998. The CI-UNESCO Project : Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Technology Transfer, and Networking for Biosphere Reserves. In: IUCN. 1998. Biosphere Reserves - Myth or Reality? Proceedings of the Workshop on Biosphere Reserves, IUCN World Conservation Congress, Montreal 1996. IUCN Publications, Cambridge, UK. [MS Word] Gordon, S. 1997. Information Technology and Sectoral Development Best Practices: The Environment Sector. Keynote panel presentation at the Society for International Development Washington DC Chapter Annual Conference 1997. [Powerpoint HTML] Gordon, S. & Tunstall, D. 1996. World Directory of Country Environmental Studies (3rd ed.). World Resources Institute, Washington, DC. [online version] [print version] Gordon, S. & Tunstall, D. 1995. The Creation and Distribution of Environmental Information. American Society for Information Science Bulletin (April/May 1995). [http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-95/gordon.html] Gordon, S. 1994. International Biodiversity Information Available on the Internet Gopher System. Univ. Michigan Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Resource Guides. Gordon, S. 1992. Keeping Abreast of Solutions in the Information Age: Innovative Urban Programs -- How to Find Out About Them. Urban Resources Initiative News v.2 no.1 (Spring ‘92) Gordon, J.C., J.K. Berry, and S.N. Gordon. 1991. Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Report commissioned by UNDP/BPPE. Gordon, S. 1991. Tree Planting on Landfills. Biocycle magazine v.32 n.10 Lowenstein, M. & Gordon, S. 1990. Community Forestry Stewardship Guide. URI/City of Baltimore Forestry Manual. Computers Skills Databases: 15 years experience in designing & programming database systems using a variety of software (Access, Foxpro, CDS-ISIS, Notebook) Internet: 12 years experience in designing and implementing information systems using the Internet, and in training users on e-mail, web searching, information content planning, and page authoring Geographic Information Systems (GIS): 12 years experience (4 as trainer) with ArcGIS, ArcView and Idrisi systems; graduate level coursework in theory and environmental applications Global Positioning System (GPS): 4 years of training experience with Trimble and Garmin receivers Windows & Macintosh PC’s: 20 years of professional computer consulting work in systems design, troubleshooting of hardware and software, including networks, wordprocessing, databases, spreadsheets, programming and modem telecommunications. Language Skills Spanish : moderate fluency (one year living in Spain; workshop teaching experience & regular professional correspondence 1996-2000) French : basic conversation (studied at the advanced level; regular professional correspondence 1996-2000) German : formerly fluent (one year of undergraduate study at a German university) Home | Services | Consultants © Interforest LLC |