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Training and Mid-Career Education Sample Courses

Example courses and instructors offered by INTERFOREST include:

Practical Environmental Leadership

John Gordon, Joyce Berry

Leadership is the key to sustainable resource management because environmental and natural resource problems are particularly difficult to solve. A new form of leadership is emerging in environmental management. It is effective because it focuses on problem solving, integrates science and decision- making, and uses individuals as members of teams. Creating shared, usually quantitative visions is the central new leadership activity. The course describes and rehearses the skills necessary to learn new leadership, tells how to acquire key leadership characteristics, and provides a protocol for installing new leadership in existing organizations and monitoring and improving its organizational effectiveness.

Silviculture for Conservation Objectives

Bruce Larson

This course presents advances in silvicultural methods and an understanding of stand dynamics selected for relevance to emerging issues in conservation. Examples are drawn from actual management experience and field sessions include forests where the concepts have been applied on the ground.

Alternative Silviculture

Jerry Franklin

Integrating Wildlife Management with Forestry

David Patton

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