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I NTERFOREST, LLC CONSULTANTS JOYCE K. BERRY is Associate Dean of the College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University and Associate Professor in the Departments of Forest, Range, Watershed Stewardship and Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism. She is the former Director of CSU's Environment and Natural Resources Policy Institute. Previously, she held administrative positions with the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, Connecticut, (Director of Career-Long Education and Director of Student Affairs), and was an Associate in Research at the Yale School. Joyce has a Doctorate in Forestry and Environmental Studies from Yale University, a Master of Science degree from Colorado State (Regional Resource Panning), and a B.A. degree in Political Science and a Secondary Teaching Credential from the Graduate Education program from the University of California, Berkeley. Her primary expertise is in the human dimensions of and public involvement in the management of natural resources. She has served on consulting teams to develop a profile of a world class forest resources company, to assess ecosystem management research in the Pacific Northwest, and, Forests and Forest Management on Indian Trust Lands. She co-Chaired the Social Science Workshop of the Seminar of Experts on Sustainable Development of Boreal and Temperate Forests, a 50+ country meeting that ultimately led to the Montreal Process of criteria and indicators for sustainable forestry. She has also held major grants and completed projects on Environmental Leadership, Career-Long Education, Forestry Research, and Human Resources for Sustainable Development. She was a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Seventh American Forest Congress, and structured and lead the pre-Congress Colorado State Roundtable, and serves on the Post-Congress Research Committee. She teaches Natural Resources Policy and Administration, Leadership in Natural Resources, Women in Natural Resources, and developed a course in Native American Perspectives of Natural Resources. She is author or editor of three books and numerous other publications, is soon to publish, with John Gordon, Environmental Leadership II: Solving Organizational Problems in Environmental Ways. Selected Publications Berry, J.K., A.A. Dyer and R. Wu. 1995. "A framework for Ecosystem Management Research in the Colorado Front Range: Incorporating the Human Dimension." Final Report to USDA Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimentation Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. Berry, J.K. 1994 "Forest Value: A Reflection of Society". Proceedings 1993, Society of American Foresters Convention. Berry, J.K. and J.C. Gordon. (eds.) 1993. Environmental Leadership: Developing Effective Skills and Styles. Island Press Washington, D.C. 286 pp. Gordon, J.C. J.K. Berry, J. Middlemiss, M. Simard. 1993 Report of the Workshop on "Social and Economic Critieria/Indicators for the Sustainable Development of Boreal and Temperate Forests." Seminar of Experts on Sustainable Development of Boreal and Temperate Forests, CSCE Seminar Secretariat , Forestry, Canada, Hull, Quebec.
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